MIDDLE BLOCKS All attacks start by Stepping Back on the Right Foot, forming 
      a Left Junzuki stance. KIAI From this stance Step Forward and Attack Junzuki Chudan 3 times.

1. SOTO UKE -  Defender back on LEFT -  Block Soto Uke 3 Times, Third Block turn right hand into wrist grab, pulling attacker's right arm to the side and downwards, Half step up with left leg. strike with right Maegeri Chudan, land kick and pull attacker further off balance, strike left Gyakuzuki Chudan to exposed side. KIAI.

2. UCHI UKE -  Defender back on LEFT -  Block Uchi Uke twice, Half step to side with left leg, to complete sideways horse_riding stance (Kiba Dachi), block Uchi Uke to attacker's right arm, lunge sidewards with Empi Chudan. KIAI.

HEAD BLOCKS  All Attacks start by Stepping Back on the Right Foot, forming
     a Left Junzuki stance KIAI  From this stance Step Forward and Attack Jodanzuki 3 times.

1. IPPONME -       Defender back on LEFT -  Left back palm block and right uppercut to jaw, step with 
                                right foot into Gyakuzuki Empi.   KIAI.

2. NIHONME -      Defender back on RIGHT -  Left arm block deflecting into punch to jaw, grab
                                shoulders with both hands and pull down right knee.  KIAI.

3. SANBONME -   Defender back on RIGHT -  Left Nagashizuki Jodan, Half Step with Left Leg,
                                 then Right Mawashigeri Chudan. KIAI.

4. YONHONME -  Defender back on RIGHT -  Drop back, blocking punch up with left elbow, push
                                 forward with left Uraken Chudan, step out with left foot and strike right Haito
                                 Chudan.  KIAI

KICK BLOCKS     All Attacks start by Stepping Back on Right Foot, into Left Fighting Stance. KIAI

1. IPPONME -      Attack with Maegeri Chudan, 3 Times.  Defender back on LEFT.  Drop forward 45% to Left 
                               with Left foot, Hip Twist and Block kick with Left hand Follow with Right Gyakuzuki Chudan. 

2. NIHONME -     Attack with Maegeri Chudan, 3 times.  Defender back on RIGHT. Half step back right foot,
                               Half step forward left foot, hip_twist and block kick with left hand Follow with right
                               Gyakuzuki Chudan. KIAI.

3. SANBONME -  Attack twice with Maegeri Chudan, followed by Surikomi Maegeri Chudan.  
                                Defender back on LEFT -  Back with left side_step and block Surikomi Maegeri with 
                                right hand. Follow with left Gyakuzuki Chudan. KIAI.

4. YONHONME -  Attack with Maegeri Chudan, 2' Half times.  Defender back on LEFT.  Drop forward on 
                                 Left foot, blocking kick with left hand, punch with right Gyakuzuki Chudan. KIAl.

5. GOHONME -     Attack with Maegeri Chudan, 3 times  Defender back on RIGHT - Drop back 45% left, 
                                 Block kick with right hand Follow with left Gyakuzuki Chudan. KIAI.

6. ROPPONME -    Attack twice with Maegeri Chudan, followed by Surikomi Maegeri Chudan.  
                                 Defender back on LEFT -  Drop back 45! right, block kick with left hand Follow 
                                 with Right Gyakuzuki Chudan. KIAI.

OHYO GUMITE   (1 to 4)   Attacker and Defender Both KIAI at the start of each fight.

1. IPPONME -     Forward on LEFT: Step forward, right Jodanzuki, left Gyakuzuki Chudan. Change guard, 
                              Left Ashi Barai, right Gyakuzuki Chudan. KIAI.

                              Back on RIGHT -  Step back, Shuto block to head with right hand.

2. NIHONME -     Forward on RIGHT: Drop forward, left Jodan Gyakuzuki. Step up and hook opponents 
                               front leg with right leg, follow with left Gyakuzuki KIIA

                               Back on RIGHT -  Lean back, Shuto block to the hand with left hand.

3. SANBONME -  Forward on LEFT: step forward, right Jodanzuki, left Gyakuzuki Chudan. Lunge forward 
                                into body check, with left hand behind attackers left knee and right arm trapping 
                                attackers guard Drop rear knee, twist and throw attacker over front knee. 
                                Follow with right Uraken. KIAI

                                Back on LEFT -  Step back, Shuto block to head with left hand Lunge forward with 
                                left Junzuki no Tsukkomi. Break fall with right arm

4. YONHONME -  Forward on RIGHT: Surikomi, right Uraken Jodan. Push opponents elbow away with 
                                left hand, right Gyakuzuki Chudan. Grab far shoulder with right hand, pull opponent onto 
                                right Mawashi Hiza Geri, push forward into right No Tsukkomi trapping opponents guard 
                                with right thigh, finish with right Otoshi Empi to base of neck. KIAI.

                                 Back on LEFT -  Right Jodan Soto Uke.

KIHON GUMITE  (1 to 4)  Attacker and Defender Both KIAI at the start of each fight.

1. IPPONME -       Forward on RIGHT: Drop forward with right Jodanzuki, step across to right 
                                with Left Gyakuzuki Chudan.

                                Back on LEFT -  Right head block, hip_twist to right and block Gyakuzuki with 
                                Right arm, simultaneously striking opponent with left uppercut to ribs.

2. NIHONME -      Forward on RIGHT: Drop forward with right Jodanzuki, Half step with left foot, 
                                Right Sokuto Chudan.

                                Back on LEFT -  Right head block, slide left foot 45% to left, followed by right foot 
                                and Block Sokuto with right hand Slide right foot to lock opponents knee. Hip_twist 
                                and attack simultaneously with left Teisho (palm heel) to kidney, right Fiaito (ridge) 
                                to ribs and step in with right leg and knee thrust to of balance opponent.

3. SANBONME -  Forward on RIGHT: Drop forward with right Jodanzuki, draw right foot back 1 Half step, 
                                left Maegei Chudan.

                                Back on LEFT -  Right head block, drop forward onto Maegeri with simultaneous left 
                                thigh strike (Nakadaka Ipponken), and right Chudan punch (Tettsui).

4.YONHONME -  Forward on LEFT: drop forward left Jodanzuki, slide left foot across, right Gyakuzuki Jodan.

                                Back on LEFT -  Right head block, slide back 45% with left foot followed by right foot 
                                and block open hand (Shuto) Step forward on right while pushing elbow away with left 
                                open hand, and punch right to armpit with middle finger/one knuckle fist
                                (Nakadaka Ipponken).